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About MyVitiligoTeam
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What is MyVitiligoTeam?

MyVitiligoTeam is a free social network designed specifically for adults with vitiligo, their spouses, and parents of children with vitiligo. Our co-founder, Eric Peacock, has vitiligo himself. Eric has been working to build social networks for people with chronic illnesses since 2011. The goal of MyVitiligoTeam is to provide a safe and free place where it is easy for you to:

  • Get emotional and practical support from others just like you, and
  • Find objective, empowering educational materials to better understand vitiligo and the treatments available, if you are interested in treatment. 

Vitiligo can make you feel isolated at times, but you’re not alone, and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. MyVitiligoTeam is a safe, monitored social network where you can connect with others who have been in your shoes, make real friendships, and share daily ups and downs in a judgment-free place. The main currencies on MyVitiligoTeam are trust, respect, and openness. When you share your personal experiences in your posts and profile, when you ask and answer questions, and when you like, “hug,” or comment to support others, you are giving a great gift to the entire vitiligo community. MyVitiligoTeam is for sharing personal experiences with vitiligo. It is not a place to give or get medical advice.

Some of the most popular areas on MyVitiligoTeam include:

  • All Activity is where everyone posts updates – including images, stories, thoughts, and anecdotes. It's where daily triumphs and trials are shared and supported.
  • Meet Others is where you can find others like you based on things like your city, your diagnosis, treatment, symptoms, gender, and age. You can browse members’ stories and updates and add people to your team.
  • Resources contains articles, infographics, and educational content about vitiligo. We update this section regularly.
  • Q&A enables you to search previously asked questions and answers or ask your own question that will be answered by others on MyVitiligoTeam.

The spirit of MyVitiligoTeam is to foster a welcoming community with open arms. Maintaining an atmosphere free of judgment and drama is very important here. We aim to make sure every member can share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings as openly as they wish. On MyVitiligoTeam, members share compassion and deep empathy for each other's journey. When signing up, many people feel shy at first, but quickly discover new friends and people who truly understand what they're going through. Once you begin posting updates, sharing your story, and even answering others’ questions, you’ll quickly feel embraced and accepted. MyVitiligoTeam members may begin as strangers, but over time come to feel closer than well-intentioned friends and family.

Who are we? 

MyVitiligoTeam was created by MyHealthTeam - a mission-driven, independent company based in San Francisco. MyHealthTeam cofounder, Eric Peacock, has vitiligo himself. MyHealthTeam is passionate about making sure individuals and families facing vitiligo and other chronic conditions have access to objective support and information. All of the features on MyVitiligoTeam are designed to connect you with others who have been in your shoes and to empower you with information that will make you a better advocate for your own healthcare. MyVitiligoTeam is the 34th condition for which MyHealthTeam has developed a social network. Today with millions of members, millions of conversations, and a presence in 13 English-speaking countries, MyHealthTeam has become the largest and  fastest-growing developer of social networks in chronic healthcare conditions.

Who sees your information?

Information you share on MyVitiligoTeam can only be seen by the other members of MyVitiligoTeam - those who sign up for an account. We do not share your personally identifiable information outside of this social network unless you explicitly ask us to do so (for instance, if you wanted us to connect you with a clinical trial available in your city). You can share as much or as little as you like on your profile. You can use your real name or a username. It’s all up to you. This social network is password-protected, and your profile is not seen by Google.

MyHealthTeam will partner with a pharmaceutical company, university, or other company if: 

(1) we believe it will benefit you, our members, and 
(2) we can be transparent with you about that partnership.   

For instance, we may partner with a pharmaceutical company or research institution to notify you about a clinical trial available in vitiligo, to conduct anonymized research that gives our members a voice in the treatment of vitiligo, or to provide education about vitiligo. We do not share your personally identifiable information with any partners, and we do not allow them on the social network. In the case of MyVitiligoTeam, we will periodically partner with Incyte Pharmaceuticals to provide information about their upcoming clinical trials in vitiligo. Again, they will not have access to your information or the social network, and MyVitiligoTeam is completely independent from Incyte. Please know that anytime we do a partnership or research we will always let you know and we will be completely transparent about it. We will always respect and protect your privacy. Most important, we will continue to look for ways to empower people on MyVitiligoTeam and on the other social networks we've launched. You can check out a complete listing of all our sites on the MyHealthTeam corporate site.

If you ever have any concerns or questions, we can always be reached at

Read our complete privacy policy.