I Have Tried For 2 Years To Get My Insurance To Cover Opzelura With No Luck. Is There Anyway To Get It Covered?
I have had vitiligo for approximately 8 years. I am 63. In 2020 I was doing xtrac and light therapy. It brought back about 80% of my pigment. Then covid shut it all down. I am worse now then I was then.
My Dr submitted to my insurance to get a large light unit for home use and my insurance covered it. Then the following year I tried to get Opzelura. My insurance company initially refused it but again the Drs office submitted some forms and then they covered it 100%. Previous Drs I saw never even tried or recommended a home unit. Make sure to see a Dr that will try this for you.
Insurance denied UV light for me. I did appeal to Incyte fir Opzelura and it was finally approved. You have to meet financial need and show W-2.
great sweetheart
They asked me about the UV light, but I didn’t take it so they gave me a queen and the cream even doubt my skin all the way from head to toe. It was pretty expensive though.
Is Anybody Else Having Problems With Getting Your Insurance Company To Cover The Medication Opzelura?
I Am Trying To Get Some Opzelura Cream But My Insurance Will Not Cover It. Has Anyone Had Success With Their Insurance Approving Opzelura?
Has Anyone Been Successful Getting Opzelura?