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Is Taking Vitamin C Not Good ?

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyVitiligoTeam Member

Do not take Vit C

Looking For Insight To UVF Protecting Clothes, Umbrellas, Etc

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭

My dermatologist has suggested the protective clothing to aid in sun coverage the clothing lines are through, Columbia, and Coolibar. Please share any other sites and or suggestions.

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Can Couple Both With Vitiligo Get Married?

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've been quite stressful lately since my girlfriend told me she has vitiligo too. I have vitiligo on neck, hand, body and leg. She told me she has some on back and chin.

I have multiple questions
1. What's the odd of inheriting vitiligo to children if only one of us have it?
2. What's the odd of inheriting vitiligo to children if both of us have it?
3. Any way to minimize or prevent the effect to children? I'm just quite concerned that if our children grew up and complain about this to us.
4.… read more

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A MyVitiligoTeam Member

@A MyVitiligoTeam Member I have researched this information and can’t find any definitive information. I personally will not take a 20% chance that my child may have it. Doctors seem to downplay my… read more

What Is A Recommended Xtrac UV For The House. My Son Doesn’t Have Time To Go To The Doctors Office Three Times A Week.

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭
Upcoming Therapies for Vitiligo - Q&A with Dr. John Harris Read Article...
A MyVitiligoTeam Member

My daughter went to the dermatologist for 2 years, 2-3 times a week and it was very difficult but we got results from the xtrac machine. She was 99.9% repigmented and then we started noticing spots… read more

First World Problem/ Suggestions On Not Stressing Over This?

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭

So true first world part of a performance award in my corporate role, will get to go to a resort in Mexico. I ought to be thrilled. Yet, my anxiety over how to not be "the weird one" and avoid the sun on the beach while trying to be part of the group has me a bit stressed. Self imposed anxiety, right? Anyone else have universal vitiligo and try to "fit in" on a flipping beach? Lol...

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A MyVitiligoTeam Member

Aside from concerns about sun exposure as somone else mentioned, which is valid, I agree with others on the importance of not letting your condition limit you from social events. A counselor offered… read more

Does Repigmentation That Comes From Uvb Therapy Last ?

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyVitiligoTeam Member

Sure! Anytime!

Vitiligo And Immunotherapy

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyVitiligoTeam Member

Hi Vito,

Together with my breakfast I take VitaminD, B12 and magnesium.
At lunch I take Zinc and Copper

What’s The Best Vitiligo Treatment In Market You Would Recommend?

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyVitiligoTeam Member

Hi qu,

My doctor prescribed these vitamins for me

Copper chelate 2mg
Zinc gluconate 100mg
Methyl B-12 1000 mcg
Vitamin D in olive oil capsule


Does Vitiligo Put Us At Risk For Other Diseases, And If So, Which?

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyVitiligoTeam Member

My blood work came back nearly perfect last year in Nov I think mine happened when I cracked a tooth and got very nervous and upset that I may need a root canal also noticed after working in the… read more

Does Anyone Get A Social Security Are Disability Check? If Not We Should Asking For Myself

A MyVitiligoTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyVitiligoTeam Member

So true. I can’t seem to find a good sunblock…yet. Either it’s too oily, or it leaves a terrible gray cast to my skin…even the ones that say the do NOT leave a gray cast to the skin. Then to top it… read more